Friday, July 29, 2011

Organic Flowers

Organic flowers are those flowers which are not raised or grown by chemicals or pesticides. The pesticides and chemicals used in farming harm the environment and the people who handle them.
It is a well known fact that most flowers sold in the U.S. are actually imported and that too from countries as far away as Ecuador and China. A huge amount of resources are wasted in transporting these flowers over great distances. It is a waste also of time and effort involved when you can get flowers locally from a farmer in the vicinity.

Some Facts about the Flower Industry

  • Flower industry is the biggest user of agricultural chemicals.
  • The U.S. imports about 60% of fresh-cut flowers from countries whose environmental standards are much lower than their own.
  • Some chemicals banned in the U.S. are used in other countries and find their way back through imported flowers, fruits, and vegetables.
  • Studies show that roses contain up to 50 times the amount of pesticides that are legally allowed.

Why buy Organic Flowers?

  • The main intention of organic farming is to keep the environment pollution free by not using the pesticides and chemicals. It is a responsible approach towards preserving the environment for the future generations.
  • When you buy organic flowers for someone you ensure that that person is not exposed to harmful chemicals by flowers given by you.
  • When you buy organic flowers, you help support local organic farming communities and organizations, which often have charitable, philanthropic motives for selling their flowers.
  • When you buy Organic flowers, they last longer than non-organic ones.
  • By buying organic flowers you add to the growing demand for organic flowers. This in turn indicates a growing awareness regarding benefits of organic farming and ill effects of non-organic farming and also encourages more farms to convert to organic cultivation methods.

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