Friday, August 5, 2011

About Rose

Roses for the longest time have enjoyed the honor of being the most popular flowers in the world. The reason for popularity of the rose flower may be its wide variety in terms of color, size, fragrance and other attributes.
The rose has been a symbol of love, beauty, even war and politics from way back in time. The variety, color and even number of Roses carry symbolicmeanings. The Rose is most popularly known as the flower of love, particularly Red Rose.
Roses have been the most popular choice of flowers for the purpose of gifting across the world. They also act as a great addition to home and office decor. A bunch of roses or even a single rose works wonders aesthetically and considerably enlivens a place. Besides fresh cut rosesartificial flowers like silk roses in different colors are also widely used as decoration.

Some Interesting Facts About Roses

  • The birthplace of the cultivated Rose was probably Northern Persia, on the Caspian, or Faristan on the Gulf of Persia.
  • Historically, the oldest Rose fossils have been found in Colorado, dating back to more than 35 million years ago.
  • Roses were considered the most sacred flowers in ancient Egypt and were used as offerings for the Goddess Isis. Roses have also been found in Egyptian tombs, where they were formed into funeral wreaths.
  • Confucius, 551 BC to 479 BC, reported that the Imperial Chinese library had many books on Roses.
  • Ancient Sumerians of Mesopotamia (in the Tigris-Euphrates River Valley) mentioned Roses in a cuneiform tablet (a system of writing) written in approximately 2860 BC.
  • The English were already cultivating and hybridizing Roses in the 15th Century when the English War of Roses took place. The winner of the war, Tudor Henry VII, created the Rose of England (Tudor Rose) by crossbreeding other Roses.
  • While no Black Rose yet exists, there are some of such a deep Red color as to suggest Black.
  • Roses are universal and grown across the world.
  • The Netherlands is the world's leading exporter of Roses.

Morning Glory

The Morning-Glory, in the family Convolvulaceae contains at least 50 genera and more than 1000 species. Morning-Glory flowers are one of the best flowers to decorate our fences and walls.
As the name goes, morning glory flowers are vines, which are saucer-shaped, opening at morning time.
Species of morning glories are native of tropical America. Morning Glories are also present in Asia, although they also grow in subtropical and temperate regions.
Morning glory is a common name for a number of species of flowering plants in the family the Convolvulaceae, belonging to the following genera: Calystegia, Convolvulus, Ipomoea, Merremia, Rivea.
Morning glories belong to different genera with slightly different floral, fruit and leaf characteristics. But all Morning Glories produce typical funnel-shaped blossoms in white, red, blue, purple and yellow.
The Morning Glory flowers often show marks where the corolla was neatly folded or rolled up in the bud. The Morning glory flowers start to fade a 2 hours before the petals start showing visible curling.
Morning Glories prefer full sun throughout the day. Morning Glory flowers can be as much as 8 inches across although most are around 4 inches.


Genus Cosmos has about 20 species of annual and perennial plants in the Asteraceae family, the family ofsunflowersDaisies and Asters. Cosmos genus includes, Cosmos bipinnatus, commonly known asMexican Aster and Cosmos sulphureus, Yellow Cosmos, and Cosmos atrosanguineus Chocolate Cosmos.
Cosmos flowers are produced in a capitulum. Cosmos flower Capitulum is surrounded by a ring of broad ray florets and a center of disc florets. There is a lot of color variation in between the species. Cosmos flowers are 2-4 inches in diameter. Cosmos flowers come in brightly colored single or double flowers which include white, pink, orange, yellow, and scarlet colors.

Facts about Cosmos flower

  • Cosmos are herbaceous perennial flowering plants.
  • Cosmos flower plants grow to 3-6 feet tall.
  • The leaves of Cosmos plant are simple, pinnate, or bipinnate, and are arranged in opposite pairs.
  • The word Cosmos is derived from the Greek, which means a balanced universe.
  • Cosmos flower blooms twice a year and only once in the season.
  • Cosmos flowers blooms heavily, but dies with first frost.
  • Cosmos flowers can regrow in the following spring if seed falls on bare ground.
  • Cosmos flowers occurs in Solid pink, white, maroon, and pink with deep pink flares.
  • Cosmos flowering plants can be grown quickly and successfully in all regions.
  • Cosmos seeds are miniature pine needles.
  • Cosmos seeds are one of the easiest seeds in the world to grow.
  • Chocolate cosmos or Cosmos atrosanguinea, fills the air with its sweet scent of vanilla tinged chocolate.
  • Lace cosmos have more rows of petals, and have ferny foliage of a very delicate texture. Cosmos sulphureus plant leaves resemble those of marigolds(member of the Compositae, to which Cosmos belongs).